poetry 101 rehab: decisions

Do you miss the Writing 201 Poetry course by the Daily Post? Then join this blogging challenge, Poetry 101 Rehab, that will provide your poetry fix!


How does it work?

For several weeks now, each Monday at 01:00 pm UTC, Mara Eastern has published a poetry prompt along with her response to it, you can see them all here. On 30 June, Mara announced that she is taking a blogging hiatus this Summer to focus on her dissertation. I am serving as locum “poet in residence” at the clinic until her return – and hope that I don’t lose any of her patients! I will continue to publish a weekly prompt exactly as before.

You are invited to answer the prompt, twist it or ignore it; write a poem of your own or share a poem by another author.

I would love to hear about your inspiration, your creative process or other poetry related thoughts, but this is no way obligatory. Nothing is obligatory in this challenge, the idea is to get together, talk poetry and have fun!

How can you take part?

Anyone can participate, anytime you want. Publish your poetry post and add a link to it by clicking on the Poetry 101 Rehab badge below or share your link in a comment. Use the tag Poetry 101 Rehab, so we can find each other in the Reader.


I will act as your host, and I’ll be here for you to reply to your comments, read your poetry, like and comment. While this post is the starting point for the challenge, do visit fellow poets in the link-up and chat to them on their blogs!

This week’s prompt is DECISIONS.




My (very brief) response, DECISIONS was jotted down in a moment of decision. What will your take on the keyword DECISIONS be? Blog about it in a poetry post and share your link in the comments section of this post and by clicking on the Poetry 101 Badge above.

62 thoughts on “poetry 101 rehab: decisions

  1. Ah a fun new way for an acrostic. I may just have to do my version for you… an acrosTic… maybe not my own invention, but a friend told me she had not seen it before. Until it gets written…
    Good night and perhaps a welcome (since the grandchildren have gone home) – silence.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, I was not sure this one would go down to well, yes it was worried, I actually typed it in the notes app on my phone planning to edit and build on the ideas, then I just decided to post it as it was…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Really awesome way to have executed your poem on “decisions” – I love how you presented it in form – with the red highlights, the running together of the words – then the break for the final word – “silence” — brilliant! And I admit – audacious! gorgeous choice of words and excellent presentation. 🙂 Has me thinking ….

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi 🙂 I’ve just found there is a comments section on your page, completely missed it last week! So I might have missed some responses last week if not in reader or linky page. Can’t actually read the comments without highlighting the text but guess that’s your intriguing sense of humour (and my need for dark screen settings!) Enjoyed your response again Andy, especially the final ‘silence’, very powerful close. My quick acrostic poem this week is at https://pitterapatterre.wordpress.com/2015/09/02/decisions-poetry101rehab/ (have used linky&tag also) – I must have been sub-consciously influenced by your use of ‘illusion’ too now I’ve read yours again 🙂 cheers

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I really think it’s just the comment section – at least from poetry101rehab posts, have to admit not havving had enough time to browse too much while getting back in habit and trying to blog hop participants of this and the haiku challenge I’m doing. Anyway, my screen settings are so low that that won’t help, and highlighting the text works fine – now I realised the comment section is there I won’t miss it for checking pingbacks not in the linky 😀 cheers Andy 🙂

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  4. Pingback: Decision | Its PH
  5. This week’s response to the prompt is at http://wp.me/p5BCD4-br

    It was hard to decide, with this prompt, what direction to take, and so I tried out a variety of approaches during the first part of the week. I have been inclined throughout my life to equate “decisions” with tentative goals, abandoning those decisions when it becomes evident that what I actually wanted as outcomes are not going to be forthcoming if I follow tmy decisions through to the end.

    Your poem seems to suggest that your approaches to decision-making are similar to mine. 🙂


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