
Waiting for you to come along
Waiting for you to hear my song
Waiting for you to come along
Waiting for you to tell me what went wrong

Waiting For The Sun – The Doors

Lizard, waiting, in Akosombo, Ghana, for WP Weekly Photo Challenge – Waiting

I think it is a male West African Rainbow lizard (‘agama agama africana’). If you know more, please do say. 

*Shot with Fujufilm X100F and fixed 23mm (35mm full frame equivalent) lens at ISO 200, f/4 and 1/150s*

poetry 101 rehab: forward

Do you miss the Writing 201 Poetry course by the Daily Post? Then join this blogging challenge, Poetry 101 Rehab, that will provide your poetry fix!


How does it work?

For several weeks now, each Monday at 01:00 pm UTC, Mara Eastern has published a poetry prompt along with her response to it, you can see them all here. On 30 June, Mara announced that she is taking a blogging hiatus this Summer to focus on her dissertation. I am serving as locum “poet in residence” at the clinic until her return – and hope that I don’t lose any of her patients! I will continue to publish a weekly prompt exactly as before.

You are invited to answer the prompt, twist it or ignore it; write a poem of your own or share a poem by another author.

I would love to hear about your inspiration, your creative process or other poetry related thoughts, but this is no way obligatory. Nothing is obligatory in this challenge, the idea is to get together, talk poetry and have fun!

How can you take part?

Anyone can participate, anytime you want. Publish your poetry post and add a link to it by clicking on the Poetry 101 Rehab badge below or share your link in a comment. Use the tag Poetry 101 Rehab, so we can find each other in the Reader.


I will act as your host, and I’ll be here for you to reply to your comments, read your poetry, like and comment. While this post is the starting point for the challenge, do visit fellow poets in the link-up and chat to them on their blogs!

This week’s prompt is FORWARD.


Forward, no more reverse gear, no more rearview mirror

Only the road ahead, no more fear, hope no more a glimmer

Reach for the stars, bring them near, watch them shimmer

Winding road ahead, sky blue clear, no more terror

Asphalt hot steaming, burning rubber as they sneer, sitting with their TV dinner

Remembering left in the past, no room for one more tear, window getting thinner

Drive forward, its clear, its no error

My response, FORWARD was inspired by Roadhouse Blues by The Doors. What will your take on the keyword FORWARD be? Blog about it in a poetry post and share your link in the comments section of this post and by clicking on the Poetry 101 Badge above.