wuse market

For some time, I have not been writing with any kind of regularity on my eponymous personal blog. That, in part, has been because I was preparing for a big adventure which is now underway.

I will be spending quite a lot of time in Nigeria over the next few months.

Welcome then to nigeriastreets! My aim, as before, is to photograph and write about daily life in Nigeria and tell my own story as I explore and make new friends.

I hope you come and take a look at what I have written and photographed so far, you will be very welcome!


The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell.
― Confucius

Was Confucius right?

I don’t know, but I do know people need to eat, to drink, to live. And to do that they have to trade. And to do that they need to know what sells, and for what price.

Welcome to Wuse market, in the centre of Abuja.

Dust, heat, cars, people. All combine in a heady mix of trade.

Everyone comes here, young and old, rich and poor. The car park reveals the demographics. Expensive SUVs with darkened windows and rows of battered green public taxis. Side by side.

Everything is on sale here. And I mean everything. And you can forget that ‘I’m only browsing’ line. The minute you enter the market you are propositioned, cajoled. And seduced.

This is no department store, but there are clearly defined areas for those…

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