poetry 101 rehab: found


she found that, as though broken

about everything beautiful, nothing mattered

as she looked, over the bridge

her young body, quivered

as she thought about attempting the leap

or showing him the door

wanting freedom, or imaginary rights

it was sad beyond belief

good, not ever had she imagined

regions of death, would

be found to break her

(for mara’s poetry 101 rehab – found)

*the words in italics are the last three words of the first ten of the longer stories included in the random house / vintage collection of the complete short stories by kafka*

14 thoughts on “poetry 101 rehab: found

  1. You had me at Kafka.

    I love how you tangle up Kafka’s phrases with your own words, and the result is beautifully complex. I almost felt it could be two poems wound together – this is the whole product, but if you took just a few words away it would be incomplete.

    Kafkaesque indeed.

    Thanks for sharing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You made me cry!
    I felt the longing, the desperate wish, the grieving and I found myself hoping that your character would stay strong and not lose hope.

    (Actually, I looked at this poem first time during the third period on my mobile and my facial expreesion made my teacher ask if everything’s alright…. )

    Liked by 1 person

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